Configure Credentials in Service Portal

Once you have successfully added the new registration, you can open Live Platform to view the new Teams connection and also open the Service portal to save the Teams app registration credentials which are used for synchronizing Live Platform with Microsoft Teams .

Do the following:
1. Open the Live Platform portal Services page.
2. Select the Direct Routing service (Essentials Plus or Pro) for which you added the Teams Registration app.

If you have multiple services with the same Azure tenant Id, the Teams SIP connection is added to one of the services only .

1. From the Direct Routing drop-down, choose Direct RoutingEdit Service.

2. Navigate to the M365 Configuration screen (ConfigurationM365 Configuration)

3. Verify the Azure Application (client) ID with your Teams Registration Application.

4. In the Navigation pane, select Certificates & Secrets.

5. Copy the value of the secret to Notepad.

6. Enter the value in the Azure Application Secret field and then click Save QOE Integration settings.